
Feferi: Do Something Inspiring

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TheDemonDM22's avatar

Literature Text

You are Eridan Ampora, alone again. All by yourself on a miserable little rock in the middle of the ocean where probably no one can find you. You can only think of one other troll who might be able to but you know she won't. You've kinda been a jackass lately.

You're not sure why exactly.

The damn hormones, going into adulthood. The want to hurt so many others. Maybe that's what's been messing around with your head lately. You can't think of anything but getting revenge on the land dwellers but what for? Your fun with Vriska was done already.
You start to paddle your feet in the water softly.  Your wearing your ridiculous wizard hat and fake magic wand, you were expecting to gallantly ride with someone into the sunset. A song resonates through your thinking pan softly, at first just whispers.

"Wwhen the moon is in the sevven…oh who am I kiddin…thats a dumb song anywway…" You block it quickly. Yeah it was about being an Aquarius and everything but it didn't really help you now. Stupid hippie pop music. Another starts to resonate through your voice, but it is quieter when you begin to speak, "You wwere working as a wwaitress in a cocktail bar…wwhen I met you…"

Feferi loved that song, you weren't sure why. What the hell was a cocktail anyway?
Singing about it only made wanting to see her worse. Oh what were you going to do? You had totally flushed red feelings for her and she ignored you completely. Nothing could get her to come back.

So there you wallowed in your miserable mind, trying to hold back fresh purple tears of anxiety. Just as your about to throw your fake wand into the seas when they start to part. A pair of beady eyes pokes out, followed by the full face of your flushed love Feferi.

She is marvelously adorable, especially with her cute pink goggles. Her mouth is formed into a pouting lip currently, her eyes confused. You can't help but awe at her jewelry, fit for a true heiress such as her.

Her voice is excited, but solemn in worry, "Eridan!
What in cod's nam---E are you doing out )(ere?" Her precious hands cup her cheeks, the light of the moons makes her hair glisten with even more radiant beauty. You now just notice the cowgirl hat between her horns, and a reign tightly clasped in one fist.

"Fef, you…you remembered"

"Rememb---Ererd?" She glanced to the item in focus and snickered, "Of cours---E you slippery little ---Eel!" Her body finds its way next to yours, splashing her feet still in the water. "I was just a little lat---E. Im sorry to keep you waiting…glub glub…" She pouts softly and caresses her face in her hands once more as she glances up to the stars.

"I tried to contact you but you never answer---Ed me!"

Embarrassingly you check your communication device modus whatever the hell it's called and instantly bite your lip. There are chat logs clogging every inch of memory space there. You throw it backwards into the oceans and smile nervously, "It must havve been ovverheated or something…"

"Well I gu---Ess all that matters is t)(at im wit)( you now!" She giggles and takes your hand, "Come on, you can rid---E on Mapl---Ehoof wi)(h m---E!"

"Fef…are you sure…"

"Yeh!" She pokes your cheek with a finger, her face becoming so much closer as you feel her nuzzle your nose.  "But you'll )(av---E to let m—E driv---E!"

Oh yes, holding onto her curvy hips in an epic turn of events on that stupid seahorse she owned…yes you would give anything for that. You pinch yourself just to make sure you're not dreaming.

It's actually happening. Although you try to suppress your fantasies about her admitting flushed feelings for you, it pounds in your heart so deep that you cannot help but imagine it to happen soon. She adjusts her hat and takes a strong grip on the steed below. It whinnies under the water, bucking a few times before starting its rapid swim across the waves.

Yeah it's dumb but it's a hell of a lot of fun. A lot more than you've had in a while.

And watching her beautiful form take the lead, watching her command the weird little seahorse around was just perfect. You felt her tug at every turn, watched as she awed at the constant color changing of her precious cuttlefish. The oceans were yours, and no one else could ruin this moment.

She slowed down to take one of the careening cuttlefish, holding it in her hands softly. It almost looked as if it was purring, its little arms holding her fingers tightly. She holds it out to you. Carefully you lower your hand to pet it.

Its body is soft but coated with delicate mucus. It enjoys your gentle pets. She holds it up gently, "I think thes---E guys are gr---Eat!"

"Really…wwhy is that" you ask, curious. What were so special about these strangely adorable alien things.

"Well, they don't liv---E very long." Her tone drops a few notches, caressing the small one in her lap, "Only about a year, mayb---E two if t)(-—Ey are lucky. But it doesn't stop t)(em at all! They ke---Ep going. Th---Ey find families and car---E about one anot)(---Er! Th---Ey se---E really good in any kind of lig)(t. Th---Ey actually tast---E stuff wi)(h their suck---Ers! YUK!" She giggles, "But most importantly, th---Ey change color. I think it's glubbing dumb to sea the others like our ancestors did…It's not rig)(t! Th---Ey )(ave feelings too…I don't t)(ink w---E shored ever worry about if we're a high or lowblood…because deep down w---E are all kinda like cuttlefish…it som---E way or anot)(er…" She lets the small thing go.

You watch as it swims and follows the others, their skin constantly in rainbow sheen.

Your fin ears lower with the wisdom she's given you. Feferi cares so much about others; she only wants to see them happy.

You think, is she trying to make me more happy? Oh God, why haven't you seen it before?

You start to cry purple tears which start to leak and dilute in the ocean tides. She cocks her head at this and says nothing. She merely wipes them away with a big smile, taking you in her arms.

And you allow yourself to bawl on her shoulder like a big baby…just this once.
I always find it hard to write for Feferi. :heart:

But my God is she adorable.

BTW as much as I like Sollux and Feferi, I do really love Eridan and Feferi together as well. :heart:

This was part of my art trade with :iconsprinklestar: but I may do another one in the future. :meow:

Both these seadwellers belong to a giant prick, Hussie
© 2011 - 2024 TheDemonDM22
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deergf's avatar
this made me all happy inside
too bad its too short